GTR Blog

Checking in on Your Services

Evaluating Your Range of Services

February 21, 20222 min read

If you offer multiple services to your clients, it's essential to periodically assess their necessity and success. I recommend conducting this review quarterly, focusing not only on financial aspects but also on various other factors. Here's a simple process to help you with this assessment using a spreadsheet:

  1. Create a Spreadsheet:

    • Start by creating a new spreadsheet titled "Services Check-In." If you've done this before, open the existing spreadsheet.

  2. Create a New Tab:

    • In your spreadsheet, create a new tab named with today's date.

  3. Set Up Columns:

    • In Row 1 of the new tab, create the following column headings:

      • Column A: Service

      • Column B: Revenue Rank

      • Column C: Profit Rank

      • Column D: Time Rank

      • Column E: Popular Rank

      • Column F: Enjoy Rank

      • Column G: Value Rank

      • Column H: Total Rank

  4. List Your Services:

    • In the rows below, list all your services in Column A.

  5. Rank Your Services:

    • For each service, rank them based on the following criteria:

      • Column B (Revenue Rank): How much revenue did each service bring in the last quarter? Rank them accordingly.

      • Column C (Profit Rank): Determine the profitability of each service for your business.

      • Column D (Time Rank): Rank services based on the amount of time they consume.

      • Column E (Popular Rank): Identify the most popular service and rank the others.

      • Column F (Enjoy Rank): Assess which service you and your team enjoy the most.

      • Column G (Value Rank): Determine which service offers the most value to your clients.

  6. Calculate Total Rank:

    • In Column H, calculate the total rank for each service by summing the values in columns B to G. Use this formula in cell H2: =SUM(B2:G2), then copy it for all services in column H.

  7. Highlight Results:

    • In each column, highlight the cell with a "1" using a green background. For the service with the highest total rank, use a light red background to visually identify it.

Now, examine the results. Do any patterns or insights stand out?

This exercise doesn't necessarily mean you should eliminate the service but it helps you identify strengths and weaknesses. If a service has many red cells, it might warrant a closer review to assess its viability. Ensure that the service with the green cells aligns with your marketing efforts and client discussions.

As you repeat this exercise over several quarters, you'll begin to notice patterns that can guide your decisions about which services to prioritize or refine.

After completing this exercise, compare your initial perceptions with the results. Often, this process reveals a different perspective than what you initially thought about your services.

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