
You are NOT Alone

You are Not Alone

August 27, 20222 min read

To my fellow business owners,

I want you to know that you are not alone.

I understand the challenges we're all facing in this uncertain economy. Whether your business is bustling with activity or you're struggling to find clients, it's a stressful time.

If you're busy, you might be grappling with the difficulty of finding help or realizing that your systems need to keep pace with your growing business. If you're having trouble getting business, you're likely wrestling with how to reach more people and stand out in an increasingly noisy world.

But here's one crucial thing to remember:


Yes, you've probably seen those social media posts across various platforms, claiming how easy it is to get rich if you just follow their path. It can be disheartening, making you wonder why they seem to succeed effortlessly while you're struggling.

Here's a reality check: many of those who appear to be thriving may also be facing their own struggles. They're doing everything they can to grab your attention because they're grappling with their challenges and desperately need your support.

The world is indeed a noisy place, and we're all striving to make our mark.

Recently, I read about some small business owners who felt so desperate that they ended their lives. That's when I realized I needed to write this, hoping that at least one person would read it and realize something crucial.

Remember why you started your business. Recall the courage it took to embark on this journey.

Many people, with no knowledge of how to start a business, would not even dare to take the risk or embrace the challenge.


Also, remember this: you are not defined by your business. I know it's challenging to separate the two. Even after 28 years as a business owner, I sometimes need to pause and remind myself of this fact. You shape your business; your business does not define you. You were an individual before you started your business, and you remain an individual today. Regardless of your business's current state or its longevity.

I'm not sure how many of you needed to hear this today, but I felt compelled to say it.

If you ever need a sounding board, please reach out to me. I genuinely mean that. I've been through situations where the tides suddenly shift, and you feel like you've lost control of your business. It's a lonely feeling. But you are not alone. Many others have faced or are facing similar situations, and they've emerged from it with a renewed sense of control. And you can too!

Wishing you a fantastic day!

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