
Are You The Red Umbrella?

Are You The Red Umbrella?

April 04, 20232 min read

Does your business blend in with the crowd, or does it stand out like the red umbrella in the picture above?

The answer can be the line between surviving and thriving in business. So, what sets your business apart?

In a strong economy, if a consumer likes a product, they buy it. However, in a tough economy, people are hesitant to buy anything, and a padlock appears on those wallets. 

The question then becomes how do you unlock those wallets?

People immediately question themselves: "Do I truly need this service? Will it elevate me to another level? Is it genuinely valuable to me?"

The wallet will remain closed if there isn't a resounding "YES" to those questions. But if you offer value that lock will open, and a sale will follow.

Here are three steps to consider when trying to unlock consumers wallets:

  1. Lead with Value

Why should people choose your service? What pain does your service alleviate? 

In my case, I help business owners fortify their businesses by creating integrated systems that yield more profit. I do it in a way that allows them to stay in their zone of genius while I work in mine. Together, we form an exceptional team that achieves remarkable results. That's my value.

  1. Demonstrate Tangible Results

What outcomes can people expect from your service? When will these results become evident? Be transparent about the Return On Investment (ROI), and if possible back it up with a guarantee.

For instance, in my field, many hesitate to guarantee results due to varying factors. However, I'm confident the work I do makes a difference. If a client isn't satisfied with our progress after the first month, I offer a no-questions-asked refund.

  1. Embrace Uniqueness

How do you stand out from your competitors? Do you possess a unique skill set that few others in your industry have? 

In my case, my unique background as a software developer and my deep understanding of data sets me apart. I start with the end goal in mind and work backward, ensuring everyone sees the finish line. This approach helps us focus on the right data, which many businesses often overlook. My team creates systems and strategies to gather necessary data for informed decision-making. This uniqueness makes me the 'red umbrella' in my industry.

Follow these three steps and will become that 'red umbrella' versus your competition.

If you need help with becoming a red umbrella let's have a conversation. I can provide specific insights to help you stand out and thrive!

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