
Do you know your LinkedIn SSI Score?

Do you know your LinkedIn SSI Score?

October 08, 20221 min read

As a business owner, LinkedIn is an invaluable platform for you. It's not just about having connections and a profile; it's an integral part of your professional networking group.

LinkedIn offers a tool called the LinkedIn Social Selling Score (SSI), which assesses how effective you are on the platform. Your score is based on your performance in four key areas and ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating better utilization of LinkedIn.

Here's the link to access this tool: LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI)

If you're considering going all in on LinkedIn, here are some quick tips:

  • Don't Be Pushy: Avoid the "used car salesman" approach. Don't immediately start selling after connecting with someone.

  • Build Relationships: Focus on building genuine relationships first.

  • Identify Business Partners: Look for potential business partners who align with your goals.

  • Nurture Connections: Treat LinkedIn as a networking group you belong to. Initiate 1-1 Zoom calls to explore mutually beneficial opportunities.

  • Track Your Data: Keep a record of your activities to understand what works and what doesn't.

Regarding the last tip, tracking your data is crucial. Consider monitoring the following:

  • Number of connection requests sent to each industry or job title.

  • How many of these connection requests were accepted?

  • How many accepted your 1-1 invitations.

  • How many of these connections became referral partners?

  • How many ultimately led to actual business?

By analyzing these statistics, you can uncover valuable opportunities waiting for you on LinkedIn.

If you need assistance improving your score, don't hesitate to reach out for further discussion!

LinkedIn Score
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